A Letter Written on Apr 17, 1958

Thurs. Afternoon

Dear Pat:

Have you come out of the clouds yet? Have you received any more information from Wis. yet. Take in account the amount of time you have to spend in getting your master's before you make your final decision. Will you have to stay off of campus or do they have boarding houses for the staff. Let us hear immediately when you receive any further information.

By the way you put about 12c too much on that last long envelop [sic] of mail you sent home, how about not wasting so much postage. We must get you a postal scale like dad has.

I have your bridal gift finished, so you can let me know the address, or maybe you changed your mind and not going to send anything. I have been doing some ceramics every now and then, lately.

We were up to Jane's on Sunday and everyone had a good time. There was 15 of us. Little Charlie sure enjoys himself. Dad took a lot of pictures so he's been developing and printing them this week plus your order which he did last night. Dad sent an order to Willoughby's, so I guess he'll find out now how he stands, that's what he hopes anyway. he wants me to pick up an order for him when I'm in N. Y. By the way what would be a good Musical to take Grandma to if she goes along to N. Y.

Do send a lot of your things along home with dad, big things like your tape recorder etc, also books and records, excess decorations etc. It won't hurt you to live a hermit life for about a month, will it. Grandma I'm sure is planning to come along for graduation and if we have so much stuff to tote home, we can't bring her, unless maybe you'd go home by train. Send alot of that extra fluff along that you won't use, such as scarfs, gloves, ribbons[,] socs [sic], extra shoes etc.

Have a good time at the party this week-end but be careful on the road going back and forth.

Everyone is okay here and take care of yourself.
