A Letter Written on Feb 11, 1958



Dear Patty

Well it is very cold hear [sic] and we have a little snow on the ground it has been very cold. Mother told me you had snow up there too it [has] been a lot of it over the country but we miss it some how but I dont [sic] care one bit. The Rhodes where [sic] at Mother & Dad['s] for Sunday Dinner had I [sic] nice visit with them. Glad to hear you have your play all plotted, wish you much success. Mrs Goldbury is going to Hospital so I guess I have to work more for a while till she can come to the store. Well my neighbors moved Wed a week, Dont [sic] know who I will have in next. I hope someone nice. Did you get the sweater done yet. Oh yes going on the train home from York to New York you had company. Who was your friend was he a nice boy or did you loose [sic] him. Bertie said Phila father told her Phila got another paper to sign to go in service, he said he did sign one. I dont [sic] think he liked it very much. I guess he don't want him to go in service. Well who does want any one to go, but we are just pushed around and how. We have to do as we are told. Well it [is] 9 o'clock and I have a little iorning [sic] to do and then get ready for work, so I guess I say good bye and May God bless you. Keep well.
