Dear Pat,
Glad you had a good time in N. Y. These checks bring you just about up to date so take it easy until you get your Income Tax refund. (Did you send in your return?)
Sent off a carton by express today. It was too heavy to send Parcel Post. Seems South Hadley is a First Class Post Office. Fawncey that!
Look for the envelope of stamps in the express carton. Mother sent you the wrong clipping so I am sending you the right one this time. [no longer with the letter] I don't understand what pictures you want printed. Is it your roll from show and do you mean 3 1/2 X 5 or 3 X 5. Why wouldn't Pavell print your color slides?
I gotta run now. Taking the Buick down to Red Lion tonight so it can sit out all night. Mebbe they'll believe me at the Garage that it starts awful rough when its [sic] cold.