New York City
January 10, 1957Dear Pat -
The postman just delivered a very well "done-up" package - and gad! how I struggled to get it open - but open it I did - and what to my wondering eyes should appear but - you know what! And I love it, Pat. I decided at that moment that from now on, it will occupy a prominent position on my dressing table whenever I do a show. That's how much I appreciate it.
So good to hear from you, too - I felt so terrible about not having written - but you know my aversion to pen and paper - that I just sat myself down and here I am. Surprise!
Sounds as if you're darned busy at that thar higher institution of learning. But I'm afraid you've been much too influenced by e.e. cummings. Are they still reading him in college?
Things here are pretty much status quo. That's Latin for nothin' doing. I am involved at the moment doing 2 one-act Shaw plays for the Shaw Society of America. However, I'm not terribly excited about this since I think the plays are awful. They were written when he was very young - and, well, they sound as if I might have written them. That'll give you some idea of their quality. I suppose even Shaw had to learn, though.
Other than that, I'm afraid I might just be forced to take a part-time job in order to keep what roof I have over my head. The New Year is certainly starting off in a big way.
And that's about it from this corner of the globe. Thanks, again, Patricia, for the mug. Couldn't have been nicer.