Dear Pat,
It seems an age since I've seen you. One evening out of a whole summer isn't very long to catch up. I imagine that you're as busy as ever. What are the major projects this year?
We have really had a beautiful fall with nice warm days and very little rain. We spent the first two weekends at the lake and wonder of wonders I learned to water ski. It's a lot of fun, you must try it when you get an opportunity.
Last weekend I went home to meet my friend from Mexico but he couldn't make it. I was very disappointed because I missed our home coming celebration and most of the old crowd was back. Our football team has actually managed to win three in a row which must be some kind of record for this place.
I saw Dotty, she and Mason seem very content, thank God! Unfortunately Mason's friend Joe electrocuted himself with one of their machines so Mason was rather upset and all involved in funeral arrangements.
This weekend the school is giving The Rainmaker. I suppose I'll go although I'm kind of tired of it by now. The next offering is One Touch of Venus.
I hope you escaped the flu bug. We have had quite a few cases but I escaped. I hope.
Stay well, have fun and lets [sic] hear from you.