February 6, 1957
Dear Pat,
To twist an old saying "the road to Holyoke is paved with good intentions" - at least, insofar as letter-writing on my part is concerned, I guess. However, I gather from Jean's conversation in the dining hall that you have been busy, too.
My object in re-opening our correspondance [sic] (or at least trying to) is two-fold: first, I do miss hearing from you occassionally [sic] - you do write such fascinating epistles about the multifold activities of an "MHT" who is "BGOC." (Big Girl on the Campus) The second reason is that I would very definitely be pleased if you would deign to have a date with me on our Winter House-party Weekend (Feb. 16th). I sincerely hope that you could find the time ... and need I say "the desire"?
Please let me know if it will be possible, and I'll make the necessary arrangements. It's semi-formal - i.e. suits and "dressy dresses" - if that's any help. Also - this time I won't go if you don't (maybe this "threat" will help me get a favorable decision! There's method to my madness ... at last). Do come, please!
Always -