A Letter Written on Apr 9, 1957

Tuesday 1957

Dear Pat:

Received your letter yesterday and glad to hear you had a fine time at Yale. 3 years seems like a long time for a post grad course when others take it just week-ends for about a year and graduate are you sure about three years?

I got your paper today but believe it would be best to send it in your laundry case so that it wouldn't get bent. I guess you'll have one coming along before too long.

At least you should have had a nice day in N.Y. but we couldn't figure out just exactly what the letter stood for where you performed. Was it for some Jewish organization?

We called Dick & Peg last night about the N.Y. Times and Dick said he didn't get it anymore since it costs .35 but he located a copy at Gretchen's. Peg had her's [sic] in the mail already to us, so we'll forward that one, she sure doesn't let any grass grow under her feet, she's the one that sent the other article about the festival that I mailed you.

Today's it sunny here for a change but still in the 30°. I hear you're having bad weather.

Sunday we spent all up at Grandma's again. It's getting too much of a habit I don't get anything else accomplished. I went to ceramic club last night and spent practically the whole evening boring holes in a salt & pepper shaker. Never did get Betty's wedding gift to her yet.

Everyone okay here and I hope you're the same. Take good care of yourself.

Oh, by the way can you let us know immediately when's parents day and when you'll be finished school and when we'll have to come up for you? We only have an old catalog and don't know this year's dates. Let me know about this right away.

Mother' [sic]