Thurs. Afternoon
Dear Pat:
Hi, and thanks so much for the birthday gift. It's lovely and arrived all in one piece, that is nothting [sic] broken. Kim also enjoyed helping to open it. You shouldn't have spent so much money though. It will blend it just right with the dinning [sic] room and kitchen.
How are you coming with your exams, I guess most of them will be past and only one to come, the worst one, lots of luck. You're still sure graduation is on Sunday, anyway that will be when we come. I hope nothing happens to Lurlie, or elso [sic] before. She is in very critical condition, can go anytime. It seems all so sudden, but I guess it's better not to linger and suffer like Grandpa. Grandma is going down during that time. We were down to see her this past Sunday and she seemed to be in good spirts [sic] and joking although she had lost a lot of weight.
I have been very busy, last Saturday Grandma and I cleaned both your room and mine. I hope to finish upstairs this week-end. Today is the first we had a little sun since last Saturday, it has been cloudy and raining off and on all week, we're supposed to have thunder storms today. We need rain very bad, it donesN't [sic] seem to rain enough to do any good.
Last week was the last Hipples will be with us for thw [sic] summer, they're getting ready to go up to Chau. Ricky graduates this spring and also David Horne. David's all set to go to Penn State, has his room # and other things, before he takes his exams.
Tuesday night my Sunday School Class had a dinner for our husbands down at Warner's Red Lion. Dad and I had charge of games. Everyone had a good time. It was the first adverture [sic] out for Evelyn's [sic] Knofla's husband, since he had his heart attack.
I got you a dress, two tones of brown, which I thought was sort of cute, Aunt Bertie got me a blue one just like it for my birthday. It's a 11, I hope it fits.
We'll probably come into N. Y. Saturday and drive up to Hartford Sat. night, after spending a day shopping. Is there anything you might want us to pick up in N.Y.
Don't plan to pick up anybody to go up to Orleans, as we may take a new route, that is if we go. Do you have to be there in the middle of the week, you couldn't go the weekend of the 15th, which would suit much better. You better find out what you might need, [sic] Do you have to have bed fclothing [sic] and towels. What are the hours that you have to work? I don't think $17. is very much, don't the others get more? You sure can't have cavier [sic] at that price. Dad had a job lined up that probably would have paid you $42. or more a week. I know, that wouldn't have been experience, but after all money talks.
Well have fun with your exam Sat. and take it good and easy the following week. Maybe if you have to have bedding up there this summer, maybe you could load it onto Larry if he's driving up, because you might be going up by train. Don't plan to take a lot of books and heavy stuff like you did up to Allenberry and then never used any of it.
Everyone's okay here.