Wed morning
Dear Patty:
Received your nice letter yesterday, was very glad to hear from you. Well I guess as long as we are all busy the time flies faster for us all. But I think you are working a little over time so times you better take things a little slower[.]
Well Bert Spangler passed away last Tuesday morning and was buried on Friday. Judy Marshall and the whole family where hear [sic] for the funeral I was talking to her on Friday a little she certainly has lovelely [sic] parents & sister. she said I was to remember her to[o], to you. Well Kim is still so starey [sic] the least little thing she gets so scared and rums. [sic] I hope she wont [sic] be so when you get home, she does not play like she did before. I think Mother & Dad wrote to you too, so I guess you [will] get all three letters a bout [sic] the same time. Well I am still working a fue [sic] days a week, which is very nice it gives me some time a[t] home too to do my work. Well Carolian Max. [sic] was married saturday [sic] mother was to the wedding & Dad had ti [sic] go to Harrisburg for the day and could not go along with mother. Don't for get [sic] to send Grandmother Feiser a birthday card she is 80 yr old (Mar 1 4) Well I guess this is all for this time hoping to see you before long so I say Good by and May God bless you.
Yours truly
GrandmotherPlease be carefull. [sic]