A Letter Written on Feb 27, 1956

Monday morning

Dear Patty,

As your letter read you are a busy girl. Now dont [sic] take on to[o] much that you get sick for you know things like that happens. [sic] I am talking from experance. [sic] We went for a drive around the back roads of York yesterday we had Grandmother Feiser a long. It was such a nice day out. to-day it [is] cloudy dont [sic] know what it bring [sic] before the day is over just so we want have any deep snow. We certainly have been lucky so far had an awfull [sic] wind and rain storm Saturday did lots of damage lots of people did not have any electrice [sic] at all Horn's where [sic] one family as I know for they where [sic] to have club and they had to have it some where else instead. Did you get the cakes and soap. I am getting some stick taffy and I am going to send it to you as soon as I get it. was out Saturday night over to Horns playing cards too. Did not go to bad [sic] for not play for a long time. Don't play much any more. Well we are going to lose the Klings they are going to build a home. I dont know if they have started it yet or not but he told me it would be done in 3 momths [sic] quick work these days you know after while they go up in a day I guess.

Well I guess I told you all the news I know so I have to get off to work[.] So I say good-bye and may God bless you

Yours truly