A Letter Written on Jan 15, 1956

Donald Fitch Johnson
103 North College
Amherst College
Amherst, Massachusetts

January 15, 1956

Dear Pat,

At this point, I imagine that you were wondering if I would ever get around to calling or writing. Rest assured that it isn't because I haven't been thinking of you (for I have), but a little matter of term papers, exams, and working in the dining hall every evening this past week (as a favor to a brother - will last 'til February 6) has combined to give me one prolonged period of run-down-ness (new word I just invented).

My scheming mind has not been totally dormant, however, and I hope we will be able to get together soon. My first exam is next Saturday, and my last is at 2:00 on Thursday, January 26th, after which I will be free for three whole days! If your exams are over, and if you are willing shall we plan on repeating (to some degree) last year's midyear activities on Saturday, the 28th??? You remember - dinner and show, etc (what do you think that "etc." includes - I wonder now!).

Vacation was quite pleasant, with several parties and dinners with relatives and family friends for the most part, and the usual "haul" received on Christmas Day, including various and sundry wearing apparel, tuxedo, skates, etc. I remembered you promptly at 11 P.M. C.S.T. (midnight in York) New Year's Eve, though the din was quite loud at the club where our family was "celebrating." Went to bed at 3:30 next morning and got up one hour later to leave for school with friend who was driving. We made it to Amherst in 32 hours (four hours of stops), averaging 60 or better all the way via Ohio & Pennsy turnpikes (slept 11 hours night I got back - "pooped out" is an understatement!). Details later - must get back to books now! Please write if you have a chance - and I may call on Friday this week, if I feel really depressed and need encouragement for exam at 8:30 A.M. next morning. Thanks again for New Year's invitations, and wonderful letters (so good I showed them to parents, who approved - and in some places howled) - sweet of you to remember me in the Arctic snows (several feet) and cold (25° below zero when I arrived) -
