Friday AfternoonDear Pat:
I ha d [sic] a pleasant surprise this morning when I opened the paper and seen or saw a picture and a write-up about you, which I'll enclose. [no longer with the letter] It was real good.
I had been thinking about a gift for Judy. Are they going to go to housekeeping. I thought maybe a nice set of pyrex dishes in the new colors. They have such attractive pieces now and they are very practical since you can bake in them. Does she know the color of her kitchen or what color shes [sic] fond of. They have them in yellow, pinkish red, aqua and white of course. Towels, or a light or what do you suggest.
I went thru your paintings the other night, [sic] If I would have been your professor I'd a [sic] sure flunked you, such awful looking stuff, no wonder you don't like oil painting, why don't you paint in oil like you do work in pastels and water paint. You have made some nice pictures. Oh, one or two are alright but I sure expected a lot more from you. It was sure a waste of paint.
We got a reply about our reservations and they are okay, for the two nights, Dad don't know where we'll spend the last night. We didn't ask Aunt Bertie to go along, because we don't know where to put her to come home, in fact you and Grandma might have to ride the train. Dad was looking at some cars, but I don't know why you want a car when you're not going to be able to keep one up. Definitely you're not going to drive out to Wis. yourself, it's too long a trip and too dangerous. It might be okay for this summer if you had someone to go along up to the cape with you and dad says there would be if you had a car, as ther's [sic] always someone hooking a ride, but then it would just sit over the next winter andgrow [sic] older. Why don't you wait until your're [sic] more settled and know exactly what you're going to do and have a definite pay check coming in to finance the car.
Your canvass [sic] chair cost $9. and something. They are now selling for the same price, dad cut a clipping out of the paper to send you when he writes, so you should get about $5. for the chair now.
I guess you received your laundry case by this time, I mailed it Monday. I guess you don't want us to bring anything up to eat for graduation do you.
The house is still torn up but Kim is still enjoying it. We looked at furniture the other night and I guess came to the conclusion that we can't use sectional furniture in the room, at least the center section, we could use the two pieces on either side of the room with a table at each end. I sort of like that we looked and [sic] one at Shive's, which had a very fancy covering, maybe too rich for our room. We're waiting until Taylor's redo their show room which will be about the sencond [sic] week in June. And dad tells me you want to go along and look for furniture too. So well wait until your're [sic] home.
Lots of lukc [sic] to you on your exams, [sic] We'll be thinking about you and praying for you. I guess You're [sic] studying this week. Have you covered most of your subjects that will be in the test.
It looks like dad didn't find out a thing about Wis. when he was up the other week=end. Do you know any more about your plans?
Everyone is okay here and take care of yourself. See you soon.