A Letter Written on Oct 13, 1956

[The postmark was partially obstructed, but it was Oct 1-, 1956. The only Saturday in that month that began with a 1 was the 13th.]

Saturday Afternoon

Dear Pat:

How are you and how is school going by this time? This has been a very busy week for me all around. Every night there was something special to do and then I was catching up with my work at the office. I even worked until 9:45 last night. It was the end of the month and a Friday and that's very bad. I still haven't got anything done about the house as yet. It's about knee deep in dirt. When Grandma remade your bed while we were away, she sort of straightened up your room, so it doesn't look too bad. I go in there when I get disgusted with the other part of the house. I expected to get some cleaning done today and then Charlie's office called and said I had a dentist appointment at 10:30, so that has broken up my whole day, as I stayed down town looking around for drapes for you.

There is practically nothing in plain dark brown already made up. I did see a very pretty pair of white corduroy, with modern designs in it, in red, green and I'm sure brown. They would brighten up the room if you didn't need dark brown ones. They were 10.98 a pair and 90 inches long. Your measurements were 84" long and 48" wide. Did the 84" go to the floor or to the window sill, could you use 90" drapes, or would they have to be cut off. Also do you intend to keep your drapes closed at any time that you need the 48". I'm enclosing a sample of brown corduroy, which is only 36" wide. If you use this you wouldn't be able to pleat it at the top for if you do, it would only be about 12" wide on each side, that would let about 24" open in the middle, this would be alright if you'renever [sic] going to close them tight. The only other way would be to gather them on a rod and maybe use a complimentary valance, as say orange, yellow or blue as in the pattern. This costs 1.69 a yd. I figure you need around 10 yards. This piece of corduroy is very pretty, I don't know if the orange would clash with the red in your chairs or not. Also enclosed is a piece of plain brown material [no longer with the letter], which is always available. 1.49 a yd. that runs 48" wide, it is regular drape material, whereas the other piece is dress material.

There are a lot of light background drapes with dark brown designs in the pattern, if you could use some of these. By the way Mrs. St. Lawrence took measurements for curtains or something. Did that fall thru, or did she make you cafe curtains and you want drapes also. If she is going to make you something you don't want to hurt her feelings and go ahead and get something on your own without Judy's consent. Now if she can't find anything that different and I'll be only to[o] glad to try and fix you uns up. If she did make you cafe curtains, were they of plain material or patterns and what color that also would have something to do with the design and color of the drapes. On the otherhand [sic] if you are planning to just use drapes, I'd pick some with the design or else and maybe a lighter shade than brown, to brighten up the room, as it's pretty dreay [sic] already. Stillman's did have two pair of dark brown drapes, maybe not as heavy a material as the plain brown sample and more on the silky side. They were mad e [sic] of rayon and cotton. They only cost 2.98 a pair and are already made. I also saw the white corduroy drapes there, they also had white ones with brown in, the design was more of a scene, but I thought the modernistic ones were more suitable for you, but maybe Judy would like the scenry. [sic] A pair of each, huh?

I also ran into dark brown cafe curtains with a yellow dot in them about so big [drawing of a circle]. I believe a yellow valance would go with them. I was also thinking of bamboo, but that would be a problem to ship and to store, as they would weight [sic] pretty heavy and they are long and can't be folded, unless you would conside[r] the cafe length, then you could use two colors if you wanted to. They run aroung [sic] 5.98 a pair and run around 90" long.

I am also enclosing pages from the Montgomery catalog. The same small ones are out of their fall sales catalog. The other from their regular fall catalogue. I have marked different patterns with a red crayon. These have drapes and would be similar to yours of last year. In fact one I have marked I believe is like your old pattern. If you want solid colors, I believe these would be just as nice as anything. You could even order these yourself and save time, of course you wouldn't have a check to pay for them. Also enclosed is an item on rugs from their sales book. If we are to order any of these send the pattern and mark it plainly which one you want.

Of course you can always get plain brown corduroy, I'm sorry I dind't [sic] look at Judy's spreads while I was there, so I would have some idea what they are like. I have them pictured as probably a sort of heavy cord material. Don't forget to let me know about the Mrs. St. Lawrence deal. Also let me hear immediately about what you decide on the drapes, as they might sell out of some of these materials and drapes. I would like to get a package off to you next week and if possible would like to enclose drapes, if we buy them here.

We discovered your dryer in the attic. too bad. I hope you and Judy won't decide to wash at the same time. We expect to take you back Thanksgiving if the weather is permitting. What are the dates you will be home. and let us know if Judy is coming along. We can then pick up some of the things we missed the first time up. I also inquired about your deodrant [sic] and they don't expect it in until the end of the month, october [sic] that is, so use yours spareingly. [sic] Expect to send Judy one also. Do you think she would like the same odor or would you like to split odors in the same room. Do you have any suggestion as to what she might like?

We got the fair pictures and they all turned out pretty good, except the ones he used flash on, they are too light.

We have communion tomorrow. I hope you are going to church again and often.

I'm surprised that they let Amherst out, as I understand they had three more cases of polio last week. Please for goodness sake keep yourselves quarantined as there were also 250 more cases reported in one day in and around that area. Don't take chances, it isn't worth it.

Daddy saw Dot in a store the other day and told her we have the two lights yet. Will try to get them over this coming week. We've been looking for the boys to show up here for them and save us the trip. She says she's sorry she recommened [sic] you to Allenberry, as it took you away all summer long.

We have club tonight at the Dietz's and next week the Feiser's have it.

If ther's [sic] anything you want us to send in your package let me know and be sure to sit right down and answer about the drapes.

Take good care of yourself and have fun.


[Mother sent many clippings of bedspreads and curtains; this is just a sample]