A Letter Written on Jan 12, 1955


Dear P-tricia,

You, my love, should talk about writing. I've been on pins and needles since Thursday. And if you think pins and needles are fun, youse is mistaken.

Before I get down to brass tacks (ye gods, all we need now is 3-penny nails!), I must tell you that I saw "Fanny" last night. Mother, Louise and I went to dinner at Sardi's, then got standing room at "Fanny." It was lurvly, I love the music, the color, the costumes, the sets, Pinza, Slezak, Tabbert and Henderson. It was very bright and naïve, and very moving. We stood from 8:30 to 11:30, and my legs still feel it.

Did I tell you that I saw "The Fourposter"? If I haven't, I did, and it was very nice. Now I'm dying to see something gory and dramatic. I don't think I'll go home until Saturday or Monday after exams. Of course, if I go Saturday afternoon a certain witchmobile might pick me up at Lancaster because my family works till 5:30.

And so we go back to the same old subject. Cole's book comes out the 15th. More p's and n's until I see it. I'm going to write to them tonight. It's been over a week.

I think you're wrong about Mase - here I go again. Anyway, I think he would say, "Gee, wife, that was a good meal!" if he had half a chance. But you must remember that he makes his own breakfast. Do you remember the time when Dot had the car and went out to pick up Mase, and he'd gotten a ride home and she was furious? She does love to be appreciated, but the better she knows someone the less she appreciates - volubly, at least. Mase needs it as much as she does. They should go in for a little mutual reassessment, I think. And maybe Dotty ought to give up Dotty for a while and try doing things Mase likes to do every now and then, like riding or getting someone to stay with the kids while they go out every now and then. And aren't I the little family counsellor though! There's blood all over the floor from my personally cut throat.

(I'm writing this in French class, and I just got the first straight A on a paper that I've gotten back in college!)

I've got to go to lunch so puleeze write, Soon.
