A Letter Written on Jan 12, 1955

Jan 12 55

Dear Patty

Will write you a few line[s] as I just came home from Klings it [is] not to[o] late. Was sorry to hear you fell on the ice while you where [sic] skating[.] Your ankles might be a little weak you know if you can't stand on your skates straight while you are skating. But if your ankles keeps [sic] on turning why they are weak you might strap then [sic] up by raping [sic] then [sic] like you would banage [sic] then [sic] but dont [sic] make it to[o] light that they swell. I guess you where [sic] very stiff. Now dont [sic] break any bones. Mother said she is sending you your shoes. So you should try then [sic] on[.] But if they dont [sic] fit, why dont [sic] you wear then. [sic] Let us know, one way or other. Well it [is] getting colder hear [sic] but no snow as yet but I am looking for it ever[y] day. Guess you have some up their [sic] for it seams [sic] to be all around. Take care of your self. And take thing[s] a little easy I hope your studing [sic] will come easier you you [sic] so you dont [sic] have to work to[o] hard. Tell Judy I said (helo) [sic] Hope you have lots of fun with your musice [sic] aminals. [sic]

Well I guess I have to close as it [is] getting late[.] So I say good nigh[t], and May God bless you[.]
