A Letter Written on Jan 16, 1955


Dear children,

Now that I gotta teach every day of the week, p m that is, activities have piled upon each other and I find I must make t [sic] a weekly gazette. Friday night, I was the starter for the swimming meet and such shooting you've never seen. And the sales keep me busy - not that I buy anything but I do an awful lot of looking. Wed. 19 is the first of Cole Chanticleer, I chose the entire cast and now you'll realize just how crafty a person I be. Jack Sherrill in the title role, Frieda Becker, female lead (H. Robert Becker V. M.D. spouse), Don Thorp V.M.D., Sally Kain (George Kain, which reminds me, Kain ? Kain, and Kain did not take Cassimatis Sterling (lawyer), Nev Stetler, Alice Hoffer. Isn't that an impressive cast? Damned shame theres [sic] not an actor or reader in the whole lot - as you'll see.

As for the remodeling, the paper is off all the walls now. The ceilings are plastered, and the arches are finished. All thats [sic] left to do is some scrubbing where the plaster meets the old, sandpapering the new plaster, and the vestibule must needs great attention. Then, I can paint. Poor Tobys [sic] bed may never be at the rate we're going. Wisconsin phoned last week, and Mase will go for another visit before the second week in February. Hes [sic] off to Phila the 24, thats [sic] a Mon. and back Tues. thers [sic] some kind of exposition the A.S.H.V.E. Heh heh, guess that'll hold you. [American Society of Heating and Ventilation Engineers] Guess you know that Harriette Leeson has the lead in the Curious savage & Oklahoma is the Legions choice. Don't think I'll get to try outs after all[.] Noticed that Don McCullough played the part of the doctor in the bat for Junior college play. Floss woke up with a swelled head and Dr. Yeagley diagnosed it as thyroid, That rat. ever since I've known her she argued with me those bulging eyes were a family characteristic, now the whole damned family must be thyroid. Shes [sic] still arting and musicing, in fact both her sons also take from Mariann Bellinger now also. 6 months ago Floss traded in her beautiful green Buick for a pink Ford. and guess who bought it - the Bellangers. Now, Floss is going to trade in her pink Ford on a Buick. And she ain't talking to Jack no more cause she agrees with me that hes [sic] a hell. Hes [sic] taking his family to Florida for a month and thats [sic] that.

So, kenny snyder [sic] calls me, and says they have a change of schedule and that I'm to be there 10 minutes earlier, so there I am 10 min earlier and afeter [sic] waiting for 1/2 hour I read over the old scrapbooks from the Y.W., they're sitting around because this be a centennial celebration[.] Now, this be real personal, but just where was Frances Polack April 28, 1922? and who was or is Harry McCleery? and why did Ellis Locher win the prize for dancing??????????? And right now, it looks like snow. Brutus has a right rear limp, won't even use the whole leg. I took the boys to see Hansel and Gretel a Friday ago and Mase took them to 20 thousand leagues this past Friday, they thought that was real. They're also on the beginners list (once a week they learn) for swimming at the Y.W. The Y.M won't take them until they're eight.

[switch from carbon typing to handwriting]

I notice the carbon is not only burned in that spot but also torn off the bottom. Oh well -

We're to get the '55 mercury [sic] station wagon - no later than Feb 1.

No - dear child - nobody here has a cold or anything physically wrong.

Tobe drew you a picture of a turtle if only I can find it. Also, he scrawled a note. 'gloomy Sunday' recorded by Billy Stewart - but its [sic] really Billy Holliday. [sic] Tex Ritter rye whisky - 'I cover the waterfront' is another of Billy Holidays [sic] - Altho' I didn't play it t'other night. In fact most of her early records are the nuts.

Ask Dave what he thinks about reincarnation - I'll see if he's the hell type. You spoke about your Phi Sig appearance & that you were manic before - if you'd just tell people right off that you're a manic-deppdepressive - they'd understand.

Enclosed is one of my favorite pictures - just done the other night[.] [no longer with the letter] And I know you like masterpieces. Toe & Joe both did it. Tobys [sic] not too bad at drawing after all.

In return for your helping point as of March 23 - we'll let you drive the new station wagon one block! Now isn't that generosity itself? Your painting will all be in vain 'cause the damned thing probably won't come until June - all salesmen are alike.

This new budget, I must say is different. Poor petty cash can really suffers & food can suffers too because I rob Peter to pay Paul. And that ain't no joke. There are 2 cans on the dining room table . One marked Peter (thats [sic] food) and the other Paul - thats [sic] Petty cash. And Paul only has chits stuffed in him - And Peter has chits and a few pennies.

Any day now, I expect 15 gallons of paint to arrive. Only 7 are mine - the rest Peggys. [sic]

So when you're finished painting here - we can all go over to Peggys. [sic]

Thats [sic] all for now fathead. I'm off to higher heights (bed)[.]

love et stuff -
Door the [sic]