Jan 17, 1955
Dear Pat,
I am beginning this letter at lunch time in the D. O. I'll probably finish it in the 7th period Journalism class. I should be studying for a Spanish final I have the next period, but I'm not.
Mrs. Mcthing is under way, and we're going to have it two nights. We don't have school tomorrow. Gov. Leader gets put into office. The initiation ceremony for troupe 520 will be held Jan 27 - with Mr Dave Wesley as guest speaker (HA, HA HA!)
As you have probably heard; or read the Elmwood is under new management, maybe we can get now, for this summer -
The next Studio production is The Happy Journey" - Wilder and "the Viliant" [sic] - Goe. Gerbruck [?] director
Gardner is going to dramatize the "Ballad of Reading Gaol," is that ever a Lu-Lu -
Well good by-
- See you soon -
John -