A Letter Written on Jan 25, 1955


Dear Patty

Just received your letter this eve. Well I guess you can study and then not have any think [sic] that you study such luck. Well we all have to have (faith) and think for the best. Sorry to hear you had your glasses broken. Well I did the same thing some years ago, glad you could get then [sic] fix[ed] know [sic] be carefull [sic] that they suit you. Well we have had a little snow to-day, then the sun came out a[nd] took a lot of it away but froze up to night and made it bad. Well I hope you got the cake by know [sic]. You should have then. Now take care of your self. Glad Judy is better. What was her trouble, that she has to be so carefull. [sic] Was talking to June the other day and she said Barber Saucks [?] was think [sic] about going to a nother [sic] college after Easter she said over one hundered [sic] did not come back after Christmas. Well I guess till you get this letter your exam will be over I hope you do all right I know you will I have faith in you let us know how you make out[.] Well I guess I have to say good night and may God bless you and keep you.

Yours truly