Wed. 19, 55
Dear Patty
Will write to you to-night for to-morrow night I have to baby sit. I am glad Judy is back[.] Hope you dont [sic] get sick. I hope you made out all right Tuesday[.] Dont [sic] give up. Just have faith. Am sorry I cant [sic] see them for I miss those things now dont [sic] get to see much now. Glad you have all your work up to date that is the way you should try and keep your work and then you wont [sic] have to stay up so late at nights[.] Dont [sic] stay up to[o] late and study for your exams, for if you dont [sic] you wont [sic] feel like working the next day. Made you some cake the first batch went flop the second batch did not get very good either I hope the next time I hope I will do better. I guess they will send then [sic] to you to-morrow I am pretty busy right now. We are having a sale this week. Mother & Dad are having company to-night the Mickles are out.
So I guess they will mail the cake to morrow hope you get their [sic] by Saturday. Well I guess I have to say good night for this time. God bless you.
Pray and ask God to keep you with you[r] exam. I know you will get help, for with out him I could not get along.
Your[s] truly