Tuesday night
Dearest Pat,
I guess you thought you would never hear from me again, well I feel the same way about you. I figured that you were too busy with exams to write until I got home and found that Dot, Jane, and Jim had heard from you recently. What gives?
When I got home I found the Buick waiting for me. It is a yellow and green hard-top. I don't have to tell you how pleased I was. I called Jane and Friday night we went to Dot's we helped paint the walls in the living and dining rooms black and blue. On Sunday we took Jim back to Baltimore I stopped to visit my dear old relatives they seemed very glad to see me I don't know why. On the way to Baltimore we picked up the fabulous Cin I think she must be a very nice girl. The days seemed to go so rapidly our little vacation was over before we knew it. I had a nice time but I must be
truthfullytruthful, although it hurts my pride, I felt terribly lonely and miserable without you. Nothing appealed to me I think Dot knew what was wrong she has a way you know ...... I like to think of the old days but even that hurts a little now when I think of all the things I did that were annoying to you; sometimes I think I'm the world's biggest fool. I'd better stop this before I begin to sound like a dime store novel.When we got back last night I went to see "Desiree" I thought it was excellent. Today I went into the office and got my marks here they are for all the're [sic] worth.
English B
Air Sci. B
History A-
Acct. A-
Spanish A
Bible ANot like old Bill Penn but they will have to do. I had a shock today went to Bible class and found that my favorite
proffprof, Dr. Monsma, had decided not to teach Bible 36 so now I have Dr. Guthrie ¡nuts!.I heard that you haven't had any snow. Your grandmother told Dad. I'll send you a truck load we have too much snow on the lagoon to
goinggo skating what a revolting development when I have a night without too much homework, I think I'll just listen to records, "Wonderful Town", and remember apleaswonderful evening spent with you.All my love,