Dear Pat,
Lay on, MacFluff. I don't blame you in the least. I am the lousiest correspondent who ever drew breath. But I try to excuse myself feebly by saying that I was busy as all get out, as you can well imagine. I suppose Dottie has told you about the Studio Plays and "Savage." Did you read Cole's review of "Savage" in the Gazette? Methinks tis a gem, and perfectly accurate, strangely enough. For once Dot and I agree on a play. It was not up to par a-tall. Harriet forgot her lines all over the place. The only really excellent one was Betty Cromie who played Fairy may, but what Cole says of her is true, too. One of the loveliest lines was, "Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the best dressed one of all? - Fairy who?" and then she giggled at herself, of all things. Kenny Snyder, the bane of Dot's existence, was foul. Oh, and one other who was very good was Georgiana Smyser as Lily Belle. But Harriet was a big disappointment. I'd never
heardseen her before, but I'd heard so much about how wonderful she was. Oh well, sich is life.Needless to say, I popped in and out of Gerhart's time and time again. I suppose Dot told you in her letters that this Wisconsin mess comes to a head this week. Mase goes to Wisconsin Thursday, comes back Sunday. Pat, It's such a wonderful opportunity, and yet - oh, you know. Dotty's made up a list of staggering requirements they have to meet if they want him, hoping that they won't be able to do it. She's planning on having us come out with Peggy or Pap when they come to see her - if it happens. She was so homesick in Texas that she flew home for 5 months, of all things. Mase wants to go and yet he doesn't. Personally - selfishly - I hope they don't. How the heck are we supposed to supervise our children's growth if they're in Wisconsin? Dot promises to keep us informed. Pray, baby, but pray for whatever he wants - she wants - they want.
Mother and I went out last Sunday night after the play and we all talked. Then I trotted out every now and then. Wednesday evening Mase and I drove out to Peggy's to pick up the boys after they'd been watching Davy Crockett on TV. All the
yway home Toby kept talking about Betty Crocker and the Indians. Then they went off on a tangent of "do alligators do the same things octopuses do", and I'll be darned if we could supply a satisfactory answer.I painted at YLT two nights last week. It was lots of fun, as you can imagine. Bill Schaumann designed the set and it was lovely. He is such fun, and we had a wonderful time. He's gotten a new station wagon. Seems to be a fad around town. The Gerhart Merc was to come today, so I hear, much to Mason's disgust. Lordy his salary will be fabulous if he goes to Wisconsin - $8000 now, $13000 then, I believe. Oh, dear.
We painted the black walls Friday night. Ye gods, you slap on the paint and it's blue, and then it turns black. Neat, ain't? And then the living room is the shade of blue the black is before it turns black. They're going to put white fretwork around the ceiling and paint the window wall white with a big mirror - if they stay.
The bookshelves are really coming along. Mase started building them Saturday morning when I came to take Toby and Joe to the movie at the York. It was a children's show - a Western and 5 cartoons. They adored the Western (and so did I) then Tobinsk had a huge milkshake afterwards and Joby had a coke. They were so good and I love them dearly. (The children, not the drinks!)
I ate lunch there and Flossie came over. Seems that Rob is kind of in trouble. Some girl who is pregnant says that he's the father and he must either marry her or pay her $20000. Then he wrecked his father's Ford. Rob's in a bad way. Dotty immediately began figuring how much you could earn per year by accusing one man per month - comes to something like $240000. She's considering going in business. Flossie's head looked fine - not at all swelled. It starts on her head and works down to her knees by evening.
Cole's darn book isn't out yet. He's expecting it by next Christmas. Also, he's starting on a new one. He's coming to N.Y. in a few weeks and will come a-callin', he says. He and Dottie went to "Savage" Monday night. Mase and Peggy are going tonight.
Flossie's chasing Jack to Florida, or have you heard? That takes care of the weekly $10 for AI, I guess. He and Jean are both fine. Wendy is sweet. Jean is having her baby in August.
How did the exams go? Whadja get, huh? Tell me all.
Bobble was out last night. We all sat around gabbing till 3. Cole was having conniptions about borrowing a cup of sugar from the dames in his apartment house. He's sure they either think he's a masher or else entirely the opposite. Poor Coleby. Before Dot and Cole arrived Bobble and Mase were going on about air conditioning and chemistry until I nearly went batty.
SaturMonday afternoon I played cards with the monsters and explained rocks to Joby while Toby experimented with dissolving salt in water. Then we wrestled all over the place, since Mase, the regulation punching bag, was still at work. My poor aching back will never be the same.Dotty is considering bleaching her hair platinum, shoulder length, Heaven forbid! Mason turned green.
Also, I have received my Valentine present from the witch family. Yours is the same thing. You'll have fun with it. She's sending yours, I think - either that or she'll give it to you when you get back in March.
Please forgive fat-headed me for not writing, but you know - don't you? Please write me also too even so anyway ain't yet.
Oh Wisconsin, go jump in the lake!
poor benighted me [Jane Foster Thornton]
[The letter did not include Cole's review of "Savage," so I looked it up to include here.]