A Letter Written on Feb 4, 1955

Friday Afternoon

Dear Pat:

How are you feeling by this time? Any news as to marks as yet. I guess you're still in or you would have been on the carpet before this.

How is your breaking out getting along. If it increases to any extent stop using Dial soap for awhile and use ivory. [sic] Dial soap makes some people break out and it might tend to irritate yours in some way. Then again wool might cause it to get worse, try to keep cotton next to it and if it gets a lot worse go to the doctor again and if his medicine don't help I'll try to get some from Dr. Long, if he can figure out what he gave you before. Let me know weekly how it's coming along and don't fool aroung [sic] with it if it gets worse. If it starts to itch get some Calamine lotion with phenol in it.

I wanted to write sooner this week but I have been very busy both at home and at the office this week. In fact I shouldn't be writing now but just took off time. Everyone is okay here only it's been very cold. The coldest has been down to 5° below zero and that's extremely cold for this section. How is it up there have you had any snow as yet, we had some the other day and its [sic] still sticking around, but getting sloppy. The kids sure are getting their share of coasting and especailly [sic] ice skating.

I had club last night and Mae said that Carolyn got all A and B. She didn't come home either with the other kids, she went to one of the girl's houses at school. I heard the turnpike was very bad, I guess Phil got back okay. Aunt Bertie and Mr. Sievers have a talk almost every night going home on the bus.

Do you remember Michael Smyser who lived across from Mae, well he was killed in a freak accident yesterday. His picture is in today['s] paper.

By the way Julia also had her baby the beginning of the week. I hear her parents have kicked out her husband and he has another girl in Virginia in the same way. He sure gets around alot.

We sent you another package yesterday and take note if it had special handling marked on the outside. It didn't cost as much as daddy thought it would, but there was a new guy in attendance and daddy said the old one always marked special handling all over the package while he was waiting but this other one didn't, although he paid for same, so let us know and he can complain about it or make them mark it one right away. We always sent your package special handling, so that you get them sooner and if any come without let us know, as the clerk at the Belmont drugstore didn't mark it on right away either. I couldn't get your mints in the package as daddy had it balanced just right so your cake wouldn't smack your pop corn. You know daddy, so I'll have to send it by itself.

Grandma has been looking for a letter all week.

We also have club this Saturday. The Rhoads have been in Florida the past week, too bad they have to come back to this cold weather.

You still haven't said anything about the mugs, also about house cleaning when you come. Have you heard any more about your tape recorder?

I guess this will be all for this time. Take care of yourself and let me know about your rash. Did they take your blood pressure and is it high or low or just right, you mentioned that this might come from your blood pressure, ask more about it and have your pressure checked. Dress warm and keep that hair back.


[The letter did not include the Gazette's article about Michael Smyser, so I looked it up to include here.]