Tuesday morning
Dearest Pat,
Are you as cold as I am?? We have been having temperatures of around 10° below in the mornings. I feel like I'm living at the North Pole. I wrote home that I was cold so Mother bought me a new leather jacket. The suede isn't very warm for this kind of weather. I have a mental picture of you in your shorts riding the bike through drifts of snow Brrr. Be careful that you don't die of frost-bite.
Last Saturday night we braved the icey [sic] roads to go to Slippery Rock to see "The Last Time I saw Paris". its [sic] a wonderful show I thought the little girl was excellent. Last night I went to see "Sitting Bull" that's one you might as well forget it was horrible.
This second semester is proving to be a beast I expected at least a few easy days but I'm really lost already. You wouldn't think I had the same subjects. Maybe it seems worse than it really is because I have my usual mid-year cold all I want to do is sleep so homework has suffered.
This week is "Spiritual Emphasis week" here at G.C.C. We have one hour of church every day with guest speakers. It mabe [sic] a welcome break in the routine.
Now I must go to church.
LoveAll my love,