A Letter Written on Feb 9, 1955

Wednesday Afternoon

Dear PattY; [sic]

How's things perking up there. It's still pretty cold here but the snow is just about all gone, thank goodness. It rained all day Sunday and hard and that took most of it away. But it also caused floods at Wrightsville again. The ice is breaking up too fast.

Last week was club week at our house, since I had it Thursday and Saturday as Jane didn't get back until late Friday night. She had a marvelous trip to Florida. She didn't miss a thing. Club broke up around 12. and the Horns went home but the Rhoades and Hipple's [sic] stayed until around 1:30. Jane [was] telling about the trip of course. Charlie had gotten sick that night when he came home from work so they weren't there.

Things are very uneventful around here. The stores are all gettin [sic] ready for Valentine's day. Monday was an exciting day around the office. Mary Ellen ate dinner with daddy and I around 11/30 to 12. At 1:00 she started to hemorrage [sic] and they rushed her off to the hospital and she had a caesearn [sic] and had a little baby boy around 2:45. Things sure popped for awhile. She had a rough time of it at first but both are doing nicely now. The baby weighing 4 lb. 5 oz.

You better wake up to the fact that this summer you're going to have to get out and do some working. The Metropolian [sic] idea of daddy sounded good to me. The playgroung [sic] job as instructor that Dot had in mind would be out, as it only pays $21. and doesn't last long enough. and you better not count on the job at Heistand this year. You'll have to plan to do some of your reading in the evening and not run around so much at night.

So far we haven't received any word about your exams as yet. The 1 that you got in your settings, does that include the exam you took for lab theatre.

We're going to get a box ready tonight, so be a little careful how you dish out the contents, as you may not get another one before you come home. Hide some of the stuff. Don't forget Grandma's birthday Feb. 17th.

How is your rash coming, is it all gone as yet? You better take your pills regularly, so it does go away quickly.

Everyone is okay here, how are you doing, feeling okay? Take care of yourself and let us hear from you soon.
