A Letter Written on Feb 13, 1955


Dear Patty

Will write to you[.] Your mother said I was getting the mumps I don't know but the side of my face is all swollen and it hurt[s] when I eat. Don't know where I could of [sic] pick[ed] them up. Well I baked you a cream chocolate cake and they are sending it to you I hope you get it alright be carefull [sic] the toothpicks they put around in it[.] Sent you some icing you can put on it if you want too. Well we had a nother [sic] cold wave and snow Friday & Saturday yes I am ready for spring too. Know [sic] dont [sic] work to[o] hard and over do your self for it dont [sic] pay, hope you make out in your play. I was reading mother & Dad['s] letter and you said you had a cold so take care of you[r] self and dress warm. I am trying to write and look a[t] telvision [sic] at the same time So excuse all mistakes thank [you] for the valentine. Well look out for your package and I hope you get it alright and enjoy it[.]

Well I say good night and may God bless you

Yours truly

Write when you can