A Letter Written on Apr 1, 1956

Easter Sunday

Pat, honey -

Have a nice vacation? Love that passionate red writing' paper with the tic-tac-toe do-dad on it.

Was hoping to meet you at GCS last Wednesday but was unavoidably detained by something I can't even remember at the moment. Oh, I know, went to a summer musical tent audition. No luck - not tall enough.

Had another TV appearance today. Was on the panel of "Youth Wants To Know" asking questions to Rogers and Hammerstein. They're very down to earth people. Naturally, I asked them how one gets into one of their musicals. Found out they hold auditions every week.

For a bit of gossip about the various kids now. Marcie got excellent reviews for her performance in ELT's "Curious Savage". Special mention in each paper. Times acclaimed her, also. She's gotten several offers since - already appeared at Sudio One last week. I'm glad for her. Now she won't be going to Allenberry as planned. Neither will Dick Kuss, Hal, Sally, John and Sefton. Practically all new people. Frank Hammerton and Milt are jobbing. Reg & Bill Steele are returning, you know.

Saw Betty last Monday for a brief time. She & Mr. Gage are casting now. Sure was good to see and talk with her again. I'm going to miss Allenberry like crazy this summer - not so much the place, but the kids - our gang! I know I won't get up there to see any of the shows 'cause I hope to go somewhere myself. I was kinda hoping to go back for one or two shows. Dammit, Betty says she won't really enjoy this season with the company now selected. We all ought to form our own company!

Elaine is doing an Off-Broadway show, "The Beaver Coat", and is getting good notices as I hear. Sally was engaged but, at present, has become disengaged[.] Saw Gary today. He's up for two movies. As for me, I have landed a rather nice part in an Off-Broadway show myself. "Absolom", at the new Harlequin Theatre, on Second Avenue. George Gaynes, co-star of Wonderful Town" is doing the lead. Biblical sort of pagent [sic] - am playing Semei, a young scribe, who narrates much of the goings-on.

Guess Hall is hope how now. Haven't seen him for over a month. Friction again. Probably won't see him again as he is moving away from this neighborhood.

How's the pet for the Soph Skit coming along? Pat, honey, if you possibly can, find out if Larry will be hiring anyone my age & type for anything. Would rather not apprentice this season again. Need money, but will work for less than Equity scale, if it's not an Equity company. Betty said something about your friend not being able to come to Allenberry for an interview but sh thinks he might hire her.

Jan is doing the young daughter in "Pennypacker". Betty said she read for Mr. Gage and was perfectly awful. Betty read with her.

Kuss isn't going back because Gage won't give him more money. Hal was offered three roles and turned them down.

Fifth Avenue sure was packed today. Easter Sunday, you know. People were lined for blocks waiting to get into church. We had rehearsal at 10 for the TV show so I couldn't go. Walked down the Avenue after the show and what sights! Almost like Halloween! Crazy women will wear anything, and dress their dogs to match.

When are you coming down here again? Anytime you want tickets for something, let me know.

Heard from Johnny recently? I think he owes me a letter. I'm not sure. Allenberry is doing Harvey this season. That's John's favorite.

Am finally enclosing the dollar I owe you. [no longer with the letter] My VA check finally came through and I have money again - for awhile, until I pay the tuition I owe the Wing.

Well, Pat, honey, that about does it for the while. Getting late and I gotta get my eight hours. Haven't had a cigarette in over four weeks. Kinda proud. Eating twice as much now but not gaining any.

Gotta go. Regards to the girls!
