A Letter Written on Mar 6, 1955


Dear Patty

Well I bake[d] you a cake, but it did not get very good. But I hope you can eat it alright. I am going to work tomorrow. I hope it will go alright and I dont [sic] get to[o] tired[.] I wrote to Judy to day I was glad to hear you are better. Now Please do be carefull [sic] that you dont [sic] get a back set.

It [is] very cold hear [sic] to-night I guess it [is] down to 20 or it May be down lower. Well I guess it [is] cold out their [sic] too. Now dress warm & keep your feet warm and she [sic] if it don't help[.]

Take and [sic] old woman['s] advise [sic] Well I guess this is all for this time[.]

So I say good night and may God bless you[.]

Yours truly
Grandmother -