A Letter Written on Mar 4, 1955

Friday morning

Dear Patty

Received your card this morning am sitting right down and answering it I am getting along all right if every think [sic] goes well I want to go to work for a while Monday. But I am worried about you. I want you to take good care of yourself when you get out of their. [sic] So you wont [sic] get a relaps [sic] for so many do for you will not be up to pour. [sic] Dress right and keep feet warm a[nd] dry and dont [sic] get over heated for you wont [sic] be as strong. I am going in to Dr Deitz this afternoon[.] Dont [sic] know what he will do to me will let you know later. It was raining but know [sic] the sun looks as if it might come out. Let me know when you are back in school I [will] make you some cakes & cake, which ever you want. I guess the days seem long to you now, while you a[re] housed up. I wish you could come home when you get out of the infirmary then maby [sic] you could get on you[r] feet right again. I was down town with mother yesterday ate dinner with her Dad was in Harrisburg and then went to the store and talked to the girls they all where [sic] surprised to see me. I have not answered Judy['s] letter yet but want to this week some time. Know [sic] don't work to[o] hard and stay up so late and take care of yourself So you will be better. I guess mother wrote to you yesterday she said she was.

Well this is all for this time So I say good by and may God bless you and make you well and take care of you[.]

Yours truly

P.S I hope the days fly very quick.