Dear Patty:
We have been trying to find out something about the Allenberry setup, but havn't [sic] been too successful as yet. About the most people say is that the scenery around Boiling Springs is very pretty and that it's a nice place to be in hot weather. About rooming quarters nothing flat. Cole is going up to Allenberry this Sunday as he expects to be in the second play and said he would find out more about lodging and eating, its facilities and would let me know Monday. So you'll have to put off answering until we find out more, he's also going to try and find out about working hours. If you would have found this stuff out when you were up, like we told you too [sic], there wouldn't be this delay. Of course I'm not happy about the whole thing. I had hoped you would be home this summer. I'm afraid it's going to be too much of a strain on you after a hard winter at school and you won't be in condition to go back in the fall. If you do accept the job, you'll have to promise not to smoke excessively, and by that I mean no more than around two a day, if that many. And positively no drinking, except soft drinks. You might have the feeling that "oh, one little drink won't hurt me," but that's just the time that things happen that you may be sorry for the rest of your life. A lot of these places expect you to act as mistresses too and
youwith your luck you'd probably become pregnant and be sorry the rest of your life. That's one pitfall that happens sometimes when you drink and are not fully in command of your senses. So I'd expect you to keep your self respect at all times, and in the end you'll be more thought of. The lecture is because what you're asking to do is to go out into this "cruel world," and I hope you'll be able to cope with it.Johnny doesn't think he's going to take the job, as he has some other deal in New York State some where.
Daddy has suggested that we go to Allenberry tomorrow, but I don't know if I can as I promised to give G.mother a permanent.
Also remember if you take this job you probably wouldn't get to stop in N.Y. next year as you wouldn't have the money.
So hold off until you hear from us further before writing. Will write further Monday.
It's nice here again today. Daddy had to cut the lawn it was so long. Everyone is okay here. Take good care of yourself.
Peg said you could keep the black suitcase up there so we better pack your bedding in it for the summer.
MotherSorry I missed your phone call the other night