A Letter Written on Dec 7, 1955

Donald Fitch Johnson
103 North College
Amherst College
Amherst, Massachusetts

December 7, 1955

Dear Fellow Chordata:

Arise! Go forth and take up arms (pun)! Dreadful mischief is being done by the unfriendly ambitious (Caesar was ambitious) Brachiopoda! Allons, enfant!

[This is evidently the hallucinations caused by too much Science 23, American Studies, English, and French.] However, c'est la vie! After today's little (ha! big joke) hour test in Evolution (Sci. 23) I am comparatively free until vacation - only one paper and one hour test (Dec. 15th).

I must apologize for last Saturday evenings antics - I usually contain myself better, but somehow Bacchus took a hand (although not the upper one - I was not drunk, merely "feeling good"). I'm sorry you had tummy aches next day - let that be a lesson to me. The sugar and spice that girls are made of doesn't mix with 4 parts scotch, evidently. As for the scissors and other parphenalia [sic], I will get those Friday. Thank you so much for ticket - I will see you then after (possibly before) the play, doubtless.

About Saturday - I have spoken to two of my friends (whom I thought you might be interested in dating) to inquire whether they were busy on Saturday or not. Unfortunately one has a five-to-ten page paper to write by next week and did not think he could make it (but if he can I will call you), while the other was already "set" for that night. I feel very badly about not being able to help you out in this way, but I hope you realize the situation. There are one or two others I might ask, but I don't think you would really have as pleasant a time with them - consequently I think I shall not mention it to them. After all, if a girl is going to have a guest, she should be able to enjoy herself as much as possible, don't you think?

Well, enough of that for now - thanks again for the letters, and I am looking forward to seeing you on Friday evening.

Jusqu'alors -

22 drinking days 'till New Years! (Candy's dandy, but liquor's quicker! -Nash)