Dear Pat,
Thought you might be interested in a couple of articles in the York Disgrace. [no longer with the letter] The Gazette doesn't print much campus news. Must not consider college life very newsworthy.
Speaking of news, we have been getting a very meager amount from you. Well, as the condemned murderer said as his execution was stayed, "No noose is good news." Hope that holds true in this case.
We'd like to know more of your plans for evacuation of Mt. Holyoke next week. With whom will you be leaving and going to what shows in New York? When are you leaving for York? Even if you attend a matinee, you ought to make the Pennsylvania Limited at 6:55 P. M. arriving in Lancaster at 9:38 P. M. Unless we hear otherwise from you, we will meet that train at Lancaster, Thursday night.
Weather here has been changeable -- warm one day, chilly the next, some days cloudy and wet, today was very clear but cold.
We have our reservations at the Roger Smith. I just wrote Keystone for an alternate route in case Palm Sunday dawns warm and clear and everyone on the Eastern seaboard trys [sic] to get on the Merritt Parkway. Thought we might try the Taconic Parkway which heads due North from New York City with present terminus about on a line with Massashusetts [sic] southern border. Would have to travel east then over questionable Mass roads to Westfield. Have to wait and see what Keystone has to say about the idea.