A Letter Written on Mar 13, 1955


Dear Patty

I am so glad you are better and I hope you will stay that way you take those vitmans [sic] pill for they are good for you. I am glad you got the cake I guess I wont [sic] be making any more now till you come home. Hope the play went over big and you make out all right. About a white dress mother said wait till you come home I would like to get you one or make you on[e] which every [sic] you want. The weather is getting warmer her[e] too. but at nights it get[s] colder[.] Went to church to-day have not been their [sic] for a while have to start and go now reguraly [sic] I guess you are kept awfull [sic] busy to get ketch [sic] up with your work. I am feeling allright [sic] I work[ed] all last week everyday. Take care of you[r] self[.] Did you get a ticket for Fitch. wish I could see some of your plays[.]

Well this is all for this time[.] So I say good night and May God bless you

Yours truly