A Letter Written on May 11, 1955

Wednesday Aft.

Dear Patty:

We sure enjoyed ourselves at school, but I'm still not quite rested.

We got home around 3:30 or 4. Leaving aroung [sic] 9:30. We made pretty good time. It was rainy when we left and that was good, as there were not too many people on the Parkway, although it was crowed [sic], but we could keep moving at around 50. Daddy drove to N. Y. and I took it from there, until Lancaster, when we stopped for an ice cream cone. When we got home Aunt Bertie had just finished ironing and Grandma was washing up the kitchen floor. Some day to spend Sunday. My palce [sic] didn't get cleaned last week, so it looks sort of dirty too. We slept very well Saturday night, I think we were both very exhausted. I hadn't slept the night before and daddy did some. The Motel where we stayed was very nice and I guess daddy will want to stay there again. I'd like to stay some place closed [sic] to school and if you every [sic] get a chance to inquire about some close by, do so, as it will be very late when we get up to bring you home, much later than this time.

Monday night I washed and last night just about loafed, I'm working on a wedding plate for Mrs. Throne's daughter-in-law and son. We went up to see Hipple's but they weren't home. We finally got our Christmas gift from them last week - A shrimp compote, which can also be used for flowers. Something else to put away.

I'm just getting caught up with my work here. I'm sorry we didn't finish the pictures at school, now we'll have to wait until this week-end to finish the roll. Next time we'll have to get a smaller roll. Dad is thinking about getting the material necessary to start printing colored pictures, it looks like he might make it a hobby. He also has the tri-pod picked out that he wants. I sure started something.

Everyone is okay here. I hope you have caught up on your rest and your ironing.
