A Letter Written on May 15, 1955


Dear Patty

Will [sic] it was a very nice day we did some try [sic] cleaning for mother to day. Instead of going to church. I hope God will for give us. Well I don't [sic] work on Monday now. But must go and have a X Ray on my face tomorrow morning. Will let you know more about It later whem [sic] I get it. Well look out for a box I am sending you a dress and I hope you will like it and can wear it. Mother said she found you[r] black shoes they where [sic] in the car. I dont [sic] know if she will send then [sic] along or not I told her too. [sic]

I hope I can soon get some house cleaning done for thing[s] are very dirty. Mother was laying out in the Sun to day and working in the yard after dinner. I dont [sic] have very much new to tell you at this time. So look out for you[r] box[.] Well I guess this is all and may God bless you

Your[s] truly