A Letter Written on May 17, 1955

Tuesday evening

Dearest Pat,

Where are the letters I've been expecting? Don't tell me I know, you've been busy but haven't we all. This Thursday I'm having the first part of my accounting final. The old goat of a professor said we would have to take the two tests because the final is five hours long. One half this Thursday afternoon and the rest next Thursday afternoon I could just kill him. In English were we were given one week to do a term paper. It's due tomorrow and mine is a mess.

One of the senior girls is going to York this Thursday to see about a teaching position in Red Lion and she ask[ed] me to go along. Of course I can't go because of the final, it just burns me up.

You should come to G.C. this Saturday if you want a laugh. I have to march in the Armed Forces Day parade with my R.O.T.C. squad. What a laugh. I'm about as graceful as an elephant in a snowdrift.

I blew another tire the other day so I bought four new tubeless whitewalls. That should end the flat trouble.

Aunt Ebbs wrote and said that John and Cis got the best Thespian awards. I think they deserved it. Jim Dunlop is president next year and Ellen Squair is vice-president. I heard the witch was in the last Y.L.T. show. I would have loved to see it. I wonder if she has the monster yet.

I'm finished my finals the morning of the 28th and I'm coming home the same day. Its [sic] getting harder and harder to study. It's light now until almost 9.

At last its [sic] only a matter of days until I'll see you again. I'm getting tired of looking at your picture ever since Christmas, I want to see the live animal again.

Now after I read a few pages of Battle Cry I'm going to hit the hay.

Be seeing you.
Love always,

Write! - Write! - Write!