[Written on the back side of Department of Recreation (York, Pa.) letterhead. The first line and the signature is handwritten in ink; the rest is a mimeographed typed letter.]
As for you, patricia, are you alive? I hope you notice, you got the best copy this time.
Dear Friends, and simple people,
I have just arrived from l'hopital, as in visit, and there was Floss in all her glory (nylon), private room banked in flowers with a private nurse with a private doctor with a private entrance (for my frere as he couldn't possibly visit normally), and all in all, it looks fairly fine. For the latecomers - Floss had a nasal plastic done to-day. The outside wooden splints will be removed in a wekk [sic] and then another week with a tape and then, shes [sic] normal. Yesterday, she bought a farm as in 65 acres right outside Davidsburg, stone with five bedrooms no fire place 16,000.
And from the local home front, the bookcases are finally finished! even knobs. The slip covers are to arrive Friday, another light has been erected, and molding is being put around the base board, by Thanksgiving the room will be finished as much as it ever will.
I went to Bentz opening, he floors me. Right inside his window was a french provincial game table 575 as in filthy. He seems to go to extremes. Such as lamps are either 19-27 or 119-227. same with everything else. Theres [sic] no middle road there.
And that also reminds me, we have a lovely little tree graci[ng] one corner of the room. Now, its [sic] about as tall from the floor to the top of t[he] lamp, but with a table under it - boing! (That comes with the next pay check)
And the two greatest little bits of information that there is ------****** *********----------
TOR TO ENTER THE SHOW RING October 16 will be a day long remembered when the show ring of Gaithersburg, Maryland (Rock Creek) will be honored by the presence of that future champion TOrll [sic] of Wiltshire. Never in dogdom have there been a friendlier shepherd dog bred. At the tender age of 6 months and 6 days, he will compete with dogs all over the country up to 12 months old. All dogs that are disqualified or not needed for further showing are excused at 3.30. At that rate we should be back at 12.30 noon, judging starts at 12 noon. Last night, the dear boy went to school, for his first class, and for a while I thot I'd never learn - now if another person asks me if hes [sic] a Belgian Shepherd, I'm gonna sic him on them and you know how sloppily he can sic.
Strangely enough Tobe is still in school. Maybe they don't expel them in first grade. And Jobe doesn't want to take piano lessons any more, he wants to learn baseball.
Its [sic] a toss up now as to who adopted that baby next door, I got it more than they do. I saw Patsys [sic] off spring t'other day, all I can say is that two positives must make a negative.
And I viewed Pierce Dunklebergers showing with greedy eyes noting that all were sold except four. Some to Hatsp Campbell, stan Rittace and one to Frannie Thornton. There was one I had my eye peeled for, so you can well imagine where it is - thats [sic] right - hanging in Floss['s] living room.
Now shes [sic] scouting for a while German Shepherd, everything I want she gets, but I'm gonna fool her the next time, I'm goona want to die. Bet she won't get that. Mirriam hasn't foaled yet. I talked to Andre and found his exact address. Ibumped [sic] into mister feezer at the disc mart and got a non committal grunt from mrs, seavers [sic] in the bon ton, other wize [sic] I'm being spoken at.
MY days are the same, I clean frantically every morn and tennis the afete [sic] noon away. comes the24 [sic] tryouts for Stepping out and that'll take care of me until NOVEMBER " 27 BIG DAY Guess what? No not another dag [sic] show This will be continued next week, and I expect all of you to have ready answers as to November 27 and if you guess - you cheated.
per usual