[Written on the back of a payroll assembly work sheet from the Department of Labor and Industry for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania]
Friday Evening
Dear Pat::
Well they're off, (the drapes, that is). We mailed them today with several other things. I hope they will be all right. Heaven help you if you didn't measure right, you'll have to use you[r] ingenuienty [sic] then. I made them in traverse curtains. Dad said you use that word for the curtains on stage and that you should be familiar with it. Daddy sent to Mont. Ward for traverse rods and pins to hang them. They should arrive early next week, soon after our package. You might have to get the maintenance crew to put up the rods for you. I just had a call-up from dad down stairs and said that would be ridiculous, as an advance[d] lab student should be able to handle the rods okay by herself and might even get credit for hanging them. Don't put them up so well that you won't be able to remove them at the end of the year, which you will have to do, as they're costing around $7.00 and we're not donating them to the school.
Youre [sic] black slippers from Hanlan's are also enclosed, which came this week, for a while we thought it was your chair, as all they left at the door was a notice of a cod of $3.84. Dad thought maybe they sent your chair home, and then I just happened to remeber [sic] that you had ordered a pair of shoes. By the way the envelop[e] says size 6 on the outside, but the shoes are only 5. And I measured them with the sizes I have and they are only five, so don't wear them if they're too small, and you'll have to exchange them when you're in N.Y.
Did you receive your chair as yet. If you didn't you better write them about it right away, because maybe they sent it and you weren't at school and the post office sent it back. This package that came here had your name spelled Feiger, so maybe it came to the school that way and they didn't know who it was. The spelling of your name was how I discovered it must be your shoes, as a circular had come a few days before with the same spelling.
Your dad is getting you[r] books ready to mail you in a separate package.
I don't believe you'll be able to wear that red leotard, it looks like Sandy's size.
I have been very busy again this week, I don't seem abel [sic] to catch up in my work at the office, since I took last Thurs. a week ago off. Monday night I went to Ceramics class. Tuseday [sic] night I made your drapes. Wednesday night I sorted rummage. Thursday night we went to the store and we got you[r] book ready and I finished my treasurer's book for the girls to audit tonight, which they are doing while I'm writing this letter to you. Tomorrow night we have club at Hipple's.
I have been trying to get your deodrant [sic], but they may be discotinuing [sic] that odor. The lady at Bear's, the only place that carry [sic] it in York, said she got a rejection on two of the other odors that they were discontinuing them, but so far she hadn't heard about your odor, but she also didn't receive a shipment as yet. So you better pick out another brand, just in case.
I hope you like the other things I enclosed in the package. You know the rings on the traverse rods can be moved to where you put in the pins in the drapes, which go mostly where the pleats are, but around the ends and the front you might have to use more,
whichI think I'll send you some smaller ones that you might have use for in with your books. The safety pins that I put in the drapes designate the front of the drapes. And the pairs are folded together. You might have to press them, if the wrinkles don't hang out in a week's time. I'm getting short of paper so I guess I'll stop for this time. Take good care of yourself and let us hear from you occasionly [sic]. Have a good time - studying.Love,