Thursday eve.
Dear Patty
Received your letter Tueday [sic] was very glad to hear from you. Was talking to Mr. Sivers this eve. coming home on the Buss [sic] Phil was home over the weekend. They said he was very up set about his cousin and his aunt in Balto she fell and broke he[r] hip they say now Mr. Sivers did not tell me that though some one else said so (Bertie) over heard it on the Buss. [sic]
I guess you are kept very busy. Well I hope you keep your studies up to date then you wont [sic] have to work so hard to get caught up. My back is coming along alright hardly mind it at all any more. Made you some cakes last night and got some stick candy for you at the church to-day hope everythink [sic] will be alright. Did you get the other thing was sent you let us know when you get then [sic] and how they are. For I want to know, if you get my letter or not. Write to me or Mother or Dad for we read one and others letter and cards. We want to go to the store to-night so I hope I can get this done so I can mail it to-night when we go out.
Well I guess I have told you all the news. Bertie is still hear. [sic]
Well I guess this is all for this time so I guess I say good by and may God bless you
Yours truly