Early Saturday Evening
(Before bath)Dear Patty:
Hi, how's tricks. Guess what, Uncle Harryand [sic] Aunt Helen dropped in very unexpected this noon. This is the first Uncle Harry has been in York for years. They think they have their store rented to the lady that always helped them, which will give Uncle Harry more time to look around for some teaching. He did have a temporary job about 30 some miles from Rochester, but that was a little farther than he wanted, in fact they wanted him regular. They both looked good and uncle harry was a little thinner. Daddy had to show off his pictures.
Grandma got your letter yesterday and brought it in to me at the Gazette on her evening lunch hour all excited and said that Judy couldn't come along for Thanksgiving. You shouldn't put two subjects together in the same paragraph it confuses Grandma.
It looks like it takes longer for the packages to come by Railway Express, so we'll have to not send such heavy packages. By the was [sic] is
HolyokeSouth Hadley a first class post office, find out. If it is not we can send packages as heavy as 70 pounds, but we would have to mail them in Hellam or somewhere else in a second class post office. It's silly, but that's the rules. We also got your hollowe'en [sic] card, which was quite a clever one. The verse sounded like you were going out to have a good time.I'd like to see your floor plan for a house, as I'm looking for a good plan, as some day I might want to build a new home. One that you can set two cards tables up and not fall over each other getting from one to the other. In my old age I expect to do a lot of card playing.
I know you're doing the best you can, but you have to have an incentive to work for and being a so and so student should be your incentive. I thought you only have to have eight 2's and you have three already, so that would only make 3 twos each semester.
Have you given any more thought as to what you want at this luncheon. You know I'll have to buy the stuff early that week before you come home, so don't wait until the last minute to let me know. Is there anything special you would like to eat while you are home, if so also let me know. We have so many new Super Markets that they're soon going to put each other out of bussiness. [sic] I should be able to find anything you might want.
Will you have enough money to get home, if not you better let us know right away, so we can send you a check.
Dad and I went to watch the Hollawe'en [sic] parade Monday night. The individuals weren't any good, but there were a few good floats. Tuesday Night I went to Ladies Aid, where Eleanor gave two readings. The one an original on a Plains lady coming into the Identification Office at the fair to have her picture taken. She got the data from Gretchen. The Ladies Aid are having a musical and fair the Tuesday after you go back and I have charge of one of the tables., featuring travel. So I'll have to do my decorating the week before I guess, or maybe you and Judy would like to do same. I have to get posters, cards etc for decorations. The affair is being given to buy new choir gowns.
Wednesday night Anna and Albert Oberdick came out and brought their slides along to see them. It seems that Albert has also taken up the hobby of taking colored pictures. So we then made them also sit thru the showing of ours.
Thursday night I had club at Jane's and last night Dad and I went shopping. We bought Dad a new brown suit and a pair of brown shoes, which I'm giving him for Christmas.
I wore my jumber [sic] yesterday and it didn't look too bad. It has gotten very cold here and the radio said you folks were having a very wet week-end, with three inches of rain. I hope you dress accordingly and don't get a cold from going without rubbers. I was caught on Thrusday [sic] without any rubbers and believe I caught a slight cold from wet feet, so I guess I'll have to keep a pair of rubbers at work all the time. Tonight we have club at Peg's.
We might go to Philly next week on Tuesday or Wednesday. Dad has two holidays next week. Election coming up on Tuesday and Veterans Day on Friday.
Everyone is okay here and I hope the same there.
Say hello to Judy for me. What gives with Judy, here I thought she was just about engaged to the boy at Yale and here she's going around with another, tish tish. I also noted that you had a date. Didn't you hear from the one at Amherst as yet?
Have fun. Take care of yourself. See you soon.