jane foster thornton
3001 broadway
new york 27, n. y.Thursday
Dear Pat,
Well, we have kept up a rip-roaring correspondence, haven't we? And if you're as busy as I am, I don't even expect you to answer this. I've snatched a few minutes before lunch to dash this off. Then Botany, and study Victorian Prose rest of afternoon and night for mid term tomorrow. I've had 2 already - Shakespeare and English History. This will be my last.
"Androcles" for which I did the sets is over now, and Workshop is hard at work on "Alcestis," in which I have a speaking part and dance. It's going to be lovely. Why don't you try to come down and see it? It's the 16th to 19th of Nov. Mildred Dunnock's directing, you know. She's so marvelous - limitless vitality and so delightful! Then after "Alcestis" comes "The Recruiting Officer", a restoration comedy, for which I've designed the sets. Then in January, the next Workshop play, a
RestorationElizabethan tragedy, which Pat Campbell will help me with.Life is lovely, I am busy. Write when you have time, m'dear.