A Letter Written on Nov 21, 1955

Playhouse / Nationally Known for Local Enjoyment
128 West Seventh Street Erie, Pa. Phone 22-524

L. Newell Tarrant
Managing Director


Dear Pat,

Erie has only two e's, although this city does get a little eerie at times. It's really a nice city, 120,000 people or more, but one of the biggest "hick" towns I've been in for a long time, it's almost as bad as "Bubble town" (B.S.) sometimes.

We opened here with "Caine Mutiny", and now running "Mr. Pennypacker". We're doing "My Sister Eileen" next, and adding some of the music from "Wonderful Town" to it. Shows run about three weeks which makes it very nice. I am ass't. St. Manager, and help out on lights & almost everybody helps with construction and strike - depending on what you are assigned for the show.

There is plenty of flying space here and makes working sort of a pleasure. Now don't get me wrong it's far from an ideal theatre here. But we don't have Mike's and Als - which is a great help.

We do get some time to our selves here - almost every Sunday.

I won't be getting home for Thanksgiving nor for Christmas, during Christmas vactions [sic] we'are [sic] doing two shows a day - "Kiddies" show in the afternoon and "Eileen" in the evenings.

"Teahouse" is coming to town - in a few weeks - and I hope I can get to see it. Larry Parks is doing the lead.

How did "My Heart's in the Highlands" go? Give my best to M.H. when you get to York. Tell her I've been thinking of her and the D.O.

I had a very good job offered me before I left Gage, but I don't know whether I will go back or not. I've been making quite a few contacts up here. I hope some of them prove to be good.

If something would turn up now, I think I would leave here when my 8 wk contact runs out, but if nothing does, I'll stay. Really, Pat, I think you would like it here.

So be good - write soon - and give my best to the "Yorkers" when you get back.

Lots of Love,
J. fred.