A Letter Written on Dec 3, 1955

Dec. 3, 1955

Dear Judy's roommmate -

Please excuse writin' paper. Am all out and this is all I could find.

Don't be angry with me, dear, but circumstances prevent my coming to your fair college this weekend. Namely, rehearsals for our "Dark of the Moon", which I told you about. I'm doing Floyd. Besides lines, I have to learn three or four songs by next week. We have rehearsal next Fri. night and Sunday afternoon, so I don't see how I could make it back in time. Hope you understand. Maybe long about spring when I hope to have lots of money and not be as busy as I am at present.

Wanna hear something awful? I was called by Studio I for a show Wed. evening as I was on my way to York. They left a message at the Wing to get in touch with them before Friday. The Wing sent me a telegram, to my old address on Madison Avenue. Anyhow, I never got the word until Mon. morning and was I ever disappointed. I regretted the whole Thanksgiving vacation on that account.

By the way, I called your place all day Sunday trying to reach you. When did you leave? Marge didn't come back with me.

Gotta go now. Am in a show New Year's Eve (no pay, naturally) and I've got to get some sheet music so's I can work out some choreography. Will write more when I'm not in such a hurry - and when I get some decent writin' paper. Bye.
