A Letter Written on Nov 16, 1954

Jane Morgan
160 Irving Road
York, Pennsylvania

November 19, 1954 [sic - should be November 16 according to the postmark]

Dear Pat,

This will be short and sweet. Enjoyed your letter very much.

Enclosed you will find two invitations to a luncheon that I am having. Hope you and your friend will be able to come. [no longer with the letter]

As to something new and scandalous at York High. The newspaper comes out this week, so I shall give you your copy when I see you. Quill & Scroll Installation was held today. It turned out very well. Enclosed you will find an article pertaining to the scandalous side at school The two boys & girls referred to in the article were students(?) [The article is no longer with the letter, but the acid burn it left is visible on the last page of the letter.]

Sorry this is so brief, but I am rushed for time. Hope to see you next week.


P.S. Homecoming is this weekend. Candidates for Queen: Sara Jane Uffleman, Joyce Peckham, Chris Berkheimer, Rickie Haven, Betty Ann Kinard, Carol Ann Little and a girl by the name of Smith. Cannot recall her first name.