A Letter Written on Nov 9, 1955

Wed morning befor [sic] going to work

Dear Patty

As my pen is empty I have to write with pencil. Well we where [sic] in Phila yesterday (Tues) Dad & Mother and I but did not buy hardly any think just some jelery [sic] and food. Mother could not get what she wanted so we came home with out. Well the Decomarates [?] whone [sic] I think. Well I guess it wont be long before we will be seeing you and I am anxious to see you. I guess you are very busy to get your work caught up to come home glad you made good in art and all the other things to. [sic] Do the best you can and that [is] all we can do. We are not busy and work just know [sic], but dont know how soon we will be. I ask for off to go back with you and he said I could get off so good for that.

Well they are put on a new roof next door I wrote the man a letter about it. Well I guess I have to close for this time and make the buss [sic] so good by and may God bless you

Yours truly