A Letter Written on Oct 29, 1954

Jane Morgan
160 Irving Road
York, Pennsylvania


Dear Pat,

It certainly was good to hear from you. I was beginning to wonder if you had been completely "snowed under" by your work at Mt. Holyoke.

I am enclosing one of my name cards and pictures. [no longer with the letter] Under separate cover I am sending you the first issue of our new school paper "York Hi Lites." It is published once a month and I'll send you an issue each time it comes out. Thought you might enjoy it. Let me know what you think of it.

Now for the latest gossip, etc.

1//. Ye Olde Father Office -

Minnie is about the same, except for a new hair-do. She now wears her hair in plaits across the top of her head. I like the other way she wore it better.

The dummies are both finished. One is in the office & one is at the printer's (I think.) The book seems to be shaping up pretty well. As you know, the theme is the 40th Anniversary. I have been working like mad getting subscriptions, and the results have been pretty good.

At present, my main project is arranging things for the Quill and Scroll Installation. Since I am the only old member, I have to get all the things that we need, etc. Minnie has made me your successor as President of the group. I am to install 21 new members, of which, John Buchart is the only boy. Poor John!

I presume that you know the rating of last year's book. We got second place. What makes me do a slow burn is the fact that Y.J.C's puny 36 pg. book & York Catholic's 65 (or around there) page book got first place! I wonder if the judges might be leaning toward private schools. Anyway, I still think that we should have received the Medalist Award!

I will give Miss Porter your message about wanting to hear from her when I get a chance to see her. Today I just missed her by about one minute.

2//. D. O.

Am enclosing an article about the Frolic. [no longer with the letter] You will also find something about it in the school paper.

We had our 1st final on "Le Comte De Monte-Cristo" today. I found that it was a lot easier than I had anticipated. I like third year French, but he certainly is marking a lot harder than he did in second year. We have a student teacher who is of French origin this year. She is teaching 2nd year. We have a man for our teacher. He received the same degree at Middlebury and at the school in Paris that Percy attended.

I guess that is about all the latest. Whoops! Just thought of something! Yours truly was initiated into Sociatas Latinas (sp.)? this week.

That is all now. Write soon. Hope to see you over Thanksgiving. When do you get home for that vacation? Be good!
