A Card Written on Mar 4, 1958

Tuesday eve 10-5

Dear Patty.

Was down to mothers for supper this eve, she had Grandmother Feiser out too and we had fried oysters, and mother & Kim had crab cakes. Kim could hardly wait till they were done. Thanks for the chocolate candy they are great, and very good & rich. I am sending you a birthday cake next week. So you can have it befor[e] you go to Yale. What do you want for your Birthday let me know. I thought you would be home for your birthday. Well it [is] a little warmer hear [sic]. I don't know if we will have anymore snow or not. They say the robin[s] ar[e] hear [sic] some of them. Well I guess I say good night & May God bless you

Yours truly

P.S Many thank[s] for the chocolates.