Sept. 26, 1955
4:20 PM.Hi keed!
So here's my address already!!! Well I must say that your little 2¢ post card (cheap skate!) was vehemently to the point!
WellBut it got results cause here I is!!!Isn't it a glorious feeling to be a sophomore?? Gosh I wouldn't go through that awful unsteadyness [sic] of being a Frsehman again for all the tea in China. I don't know about you but I was mighty bewildered by big "campus life" last Sept. Its [sic] much more enjoyable showing the ropes to someone else then being showed yourself. (That must be my hidden superiority complex coming through, don't you think??)
Well whats [sic] your scheduale [sic] like Patty?? Is it more difficult than last year's? And oh by the way - have you run into that boy - was his name Danny? - No that wasn't it - - anyways, some young gentleman whom you seemed to like quite a lot. Please write and tell me about any new developments. Or plans in mind to promote new developments.
So far lady luck has been with me this year - and I hope she enjoys my company enough to stick with me for awhile. Last week I did the hatchet scene from "Come Back Little Sheba." Next week I'm doing a scene from "Hedda Gable." Wed [?] - the one act that I'm in goes on "The Youngest Shall Ask" and I'm the only female in the cast (Mmmmm - nice.) And I'm also in rehearsal for a 4 act play by Checkov - "Ivanov."
My scheduale's a delight - lots of work - but good courses. 3 1/2 hours of dancing (modern, interpretive etc.) of [sic] week. 1 hour of fencing. 3 hours Voice & Speech. 2 hours Modern Drama Lit. 3 hours Methods of Directing: 6 hours acting technique - 5 hours of History of Arts & Civilization - & the rest of the time is rehearsal for various shows, plays etc. So far I've been having 48 hour days since I got here. Although I feel I'm learning more than I was last year. And somehow its [sic] much more fun!!
Got a new flame! His name is "Lewis Stone Greenleif III" Only I call him either Jamie or Hamish. He's a set design major and a real wonderful person. Don't worry the only plans I have in mind still concerns only opening nights, an apartment in the villiage [sic] & eventually an academy award. (Lots & lots of work & sweat in between all those things but you know what I mean.) I'm just not interested in any romantic romance
at the momright now. Fact is I'm stilldowsing my flame ofin the process of dowsing my flame for a certain T.V. announcer.) But Jamie is very kind & considerate & loads of fun. He's a real blast!! (also filthy rich) But I dated him a long time (went out with him a lot last year too) before I found outexactlyabout it all.My gosh Pat - can you imagine - the Greenleif name is at the very tip top of the social register in every country in the world. He has an entirely different background than I - & sometimes it makes me uncomfortable. Golly I'll have to take a course in finishing school before I can even say "how do do you do" [sic] to his parents!!
Say, have you heard from Jim, Phil, or Johnnie lately? Would ja do me a large favor & send me their addresses please?? I'm making it a daily
haphabit to write a letter a day - & so far I've been a very good girl & really stuck to it!!Now I must continue to be a good girl & do my homework before rehearsal - so goom-by [sic] till I hear from you - & I hope its reeeeel soon.
Till then - - -
P.S. I wrote to Janie but I haven't heard back. Fact is, I addressed it to her home hoping they would forward it to her. So could ya remind her about her old pal Choanie in your next letter to the old gal. Tanks a million!!!
[Joan spelled Jamie's last name incorrectly. It was really Greenleaf, and he did go on to become a well-known scenic artist.]