A Letter Written on Sep 25, 1956


Dear Pat,

Hope you're settled by now. Things haven't quite sorted themselves out yet here at home. I just finished packing a couple of cartons for you. One contains crumbs. The other has a lot of photographic supplies, including one item you'll have to consider a Xmas gift. You will find bulbs, batteries and film -- both B & W and Ekatachrome [sic] F.

I am sending you one 36 exp. roll of an English film having a rating of 400 or double that of Tri X yet it is supposed to be fine grain. You might try it on a stage show with available light. When you return it to me for development be sure to send along the instruction sheet.

I am also sending some new Plus X which I loaded myself. one 36 and two 20 exp. rolls. Don't count on the first and last frames because I may have fogged some at each end until I became more accustomed to the gadget. I am enclosing a Plus X instruction sheet with this letter [no longer with the letter] You better save it because they don't come with the Feiser Reloads. I also packed a Pavelle envelope so you can send off your color rolls. one roll takes 6¢ postage, you know. They charge $1.25 for Ekatachrome[.]

Delta was temporarily out of the #4 contrast so I settled for #3. They goofed and gave me 50 sheets. I only had 25 #4 in the first place. Since I picked up the shipment they owed me the dollar I included for postage. I took this out in the English film and a cople [sic] extra spools.

I wanted the guy at Willoughbys to mail the mats but he said no matter how carefully they packed them the corners might get damaged in shipment.

How's the show coming? Temperaments clashing?

Must close now to mail this for the last collection.
