Wed. Afternoon
Dear Pat:
Howdy, Iguess [sic] you're just as busy as I am. Today has been a hectic one. I just got the bills out.
Everything is getting in shape for the trip this week-end, everthing [sic] that is except the house. It is so torn up with Dad painting, but I guess we'll just have to let it that way as Dad won't get finished. He has the walls all finished and it
gdoesn't look too bad, but he has all the wood work to do. Kim sure likes it this way. She starts at one end of the room and makes a bee-line across all the funriture [sic] and lands on the mantle, in fact she surprised herself last night and leaped up to the mantle from the floor. She landed so hard it shook the mirror.Dad did your printing last night but has them to dry tonight. I got a permanent last night and have washing and ironing to do tonight. I thought you might have sent your wash home, unless it's there tonight. If you haven't you better give ti [sic] to dad to bring along. Grandma is also very busy at the store and has to work overtime. It looks like I'll have to work over time tomorrow night.
Grandma got you a dres[s] to wear for the dance. It's white with pale blue flowers in it.
Dad also got a bill from Willoughby for the paper so I guess you got the paper.
Have a good time and have a steak dinner on me. Take Dad out Saturday night for dinner.
It's just about time to go home, so I'll have to close.
Take good care of yourself and try and get lots of rest. Have a good time this week-end, I'll miss being with you.