SPfeis -
How's this for snob appeal? Just a quickie (and no thanks note) to say thanks for your note, and would love to come down and see Jr. Show. That is, maybe. We don't know if we can definately [sic] make it - as things are shook up (my family is moving to Providence). But we'll definately [sic] appear (hopefully) to look over stamping grounds. Much luck in the last hectic weeks - and can you get us some tickets (to be reimbursed) or find a nook where strong arms would help? Bill doesn't necessarily have to come at all ... leave that up to you. My best to the DC'ers - esp. Cox & Rees inc., and in case you are minded like everyone else, I am NOT pregnant.
Mrs. W. A. S. Jr! [Mrs. William Addison Stone III, according to Ancestry.com]